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Latest casino games with the bonus schemes

Many of you have no doubt heard of blackjack before, and some of you may even have played it in some form or another, whether online at judi pkv 99 or a land-based one. What is important however is to make sure that you are playing the top blackjack game, the one that everyone loves to play so that you are getting the most out of it and having a really great time whenever you play online blackjack, right from the start! The good news is that we can help you out here by pointing you in the right direction.

The first thing that it is important to note is that the most popular version of the rules of blackjack and the one that you will come across the most is the classic European version. It is debatable as to whether this can truly be considered to be the top blackjack game out there because normally it is simply the first choice that players are presented with, and a lot of the smaller casinos will not bother having any other variations on offer but will just stick with this one. It is the simplest to learn and the quickest to play, and for many players, it will indeed represent the ideal form of the game for those very reasons. 

It is in essence the most basic form of blackjack, with all of the frills and extra features stripped away so that you are left with the real bones of the game and you are able to play online blackjack in a completely straightway. This is certainly to be recommended for your first experience of blackjack no matter what your views or your tastes are likely to be later on because it will ease you into the game and give you the time and space to figure out how to play it so that you do not have to worry about whether or not you are doing all of the right things and covering all of the right bets. There is just one bet to make at the start of the game, and then the only decision that you have to make is whether to take another card or to stick with what you have, so it is not hard to play and you can do it without even putting much thought in once you know what you are doing.

When you look at it that way it is very easy to see why this version of blackjack may be popular, but there are certainly other variations that would come into contention as being the top blackjack game out there. One of the game versions that we would perhaps put forward as being a contender would be ties win blackjack; this is essentially the American Blackjack rules (which are like the classic European Blackjack game with a few little twists added on, such as the ability to surrender, without making the casino game too complicated) with the addition of the fact that if you get a tie against the dealer, you win and get a full payout, whereas normally you would just get your bet returned to you. 

This is a great way to play online blackjack because it means that, while in normal situations you get the possibility of winning, getting nothing, or losing, you now have the possibility of winning, winning, and losing. Just like that, you have managed to tip the scales a little bit more in your favor, which is an excellent way to start a game and will probably make sure that you get an excellent end to the games more often than you would have done before as well. Ties win blackjack is not terribly common on the internet and this means that it is more difficult to find real data about how many people play it on a regular basis in order to assess its popularity, but it is certain that there are a few software developers out there who do carry it. The Art of Games is one of them and their version is high quality, so check them out if you want to find an online casino that offers this blackjack variation.

Those are probably two of our main contenders, but there are a couple of others that really deserve a mention too as each of them could well be the top blackjack game in the eyes of many players. One of the games that I am referring to is Spanish 21, and the other is Caribbean Blackjack. Both of them have the implication of something a little more exotic in their names, which is what entices people to try them out in the first place; and both of them have some nice twists to the rules which allows them to be more entertaining and to give players the chance to want to keep on playing them for the foreseeable future. 

What these two variations embody the most is fun, as when you put aside the ideas of being able to play more quickly or looking at the odds and trying to influence them what you will see is that they have a lot of different features going on – and this means that they are more likely to be entertaining for a longer period of time, as you are not going to get bored of them as easily as you might with some other variations, depending on your tastes.

With these options in mind, you will be able to try them out for yourself and decide which is your top blackjack game, as of course some of the equation must be made up of my personal tastes and enjoyment. Not everyone will even enjoy blackjack in the first place, so it is clear that you might not find someone else’s perfect game to be your cup of tea at all. Once you have a go at them you will be better placed to decide which one is the top in your eyes out of these!

Run Effective Tricks Against Online Casino Roulette With Live Dealer

Roulette is a game where many depend on luck, but the network has a lot of information about how to play the player in roulette, so the chances of winning have risen. Someone advises to follow the work of the croupier, somebody recommends visual ballistics, some – some other tricks.

All of these methods are effective and timely helped the game make a small fortune. However, those times are already in the past, because modern roulette is different from what was once played. Now the coveted wheel is controlled by sensors, and their work aims to eliminate any defect. With these devices, the angle of the roulette wheel and the rotation speed are adjusted. Sbobet Sbobet is on Facebook will provide the information on how to place the bets. The percentage of winning is increasing with the knowledge. The use of the information is necessary to make at the safe platform to have the bank balance increase.

But what are the modern treasures to do with the fact that there are no ways to beat the casino? In fact, it is not. If you think experienced gamblers, there are a few techniques that are more effective than complex mathematical computing systems. These are those methods that involve the physical component of the roulette. They are not as complicated as the calculations, because even the smartest player can easily cope with them.

All it takes to beat the casino in the roulette 

a good eye and an observation. You also need to be prepared for the casino to quickly see your manipulations when evaluating the angle of the wheel, as it is very difficult to do this unnoticed.

Each crater has his own “handwriting”

this is the style in which he works, namely how he throws a ball and how the wheel rotates. Here the player will need his observation. Significantly facilitate the task of playing around the casino and knowing what is done and what diameter it has. In addition, even if you know for certain – there is no absolute guarantee in predicting the outcome. If you play online with live

dealers, then be prepared for being tense.

A feature of the roulette online game is that image quality is often not up to the hair. Of course, casinos are making efforts to increase it, but they will not get an ideal outcome. So the player should be prepared for interference and communication failures – there is no insurance from this, even if the internet speed is very good. Due to the fact that video is being played at low resolution to see casino staff omissions, which can be played and gained an advantage, it will not work. The player will not be able to take advantage of the possible drawbacks of the design of the mechanism, as the firing angle will most likely not be able to do so.

The features of a virtual roulette game with a live dealer allow them not to have direct contact with the players, which means that nothing will distract him from performing his duties. For the player, the lack of direct contact with the dealer, which is present in the ground gambling units, is therefore a minus.

Should we expect the dealer to be a layman and make mistakes? The probability of this tends to a minimum because online casinos, like their land counterparts, prefer to hire professionals. And this means that such experienced choppers are seldom wrong and the player does not have to rely on this. Consequently, due to the minimal chances of any roulette error, the player does not have to expect the casino’s advantage to fall.

Blackjack Techniques For Special Actions

You will find particular techniques in blackjack which are obtainable to gamers as alternatives. A couple of of those techniques are Split and double. Blackjack strategy determines exactly how and when these types of techniques ought to decided on. These methods have been developed right after replicating hundreds of thousands of blackjack tactics.

Within the double move right after a participant sees his given cards and also the dealer’s initial cards he may double his original bet. But once a person doubles he has got to consider one and just one extra card. The twenty-one technique of regardless of whether or not to double depends upon the player’s current hand worth, the dealer’s encounter up credit card and regardless of whether the participant includes a action or is a tough complete. A delicate complete is one where the ace may take the worth of 11. A tough finish either doesn’t have ace or the ace always requires the worth of 1. An overview with the double technique is supplied beneath.

In the event the participant includes a delicate 13 or 14 then he ought to double once the dealer’s encounter up card is really a 5 or perhaps a 6. In the event the participant includes a delicate 15 or 16 then he ought to double once the dealer’s encounter up credit card is really a 4, 5-6. In the event the participant includes a delicate 17 then he ought to double once the dealer’s encounter up credit card is really a 3, 4, 5-6. In the event the participant includes a delicate eighteen then he ought to double once the dealer’s encounter up is really a two, 3, 4, 5-6. In the event the participant has a tough 11 he ought to usually double. In the event the participant has a tough 10 he ought to usually double except once the dealer’s encounter up credit card is really a 10 or an ace. In the event the participant has a tough 9 then he ought to double once the dealer’s encounter up credit card is really a 3, 4, 5-6.

The split action is necessary once the participant is given two cards with the exact same rate. The participant may split the 2 playing cards as independent cards placed an additional similar bet and play two cards. The split technique depends upon the performer’s current cards worth and also the dealer’s encounter up credit card. An overview with the split strategy is supplied beneath. You can learn more about the mechanics, basics, and rules in blackjack by playing in some of the reliable and trusted casino sites like that offer wide variety of poker games. 

In the event the participant is given a set of two’s or three’s after that he ought to divide once the dealer’s encounter up credit card is really a 4, 5, 6 or seven. In the event the participant is given a pair of 6′s then he ought to split once the dealer’s encounter up credit card is really a 3, 4, 5-6. If he participant is dealt a pair of sevens then he ought to split once the dealer’s encounter up card is really a 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 or seven. In the event the gamer is given a pair of 9′s then he ought to split once the dealer’s encounter up card is in between a 2 and a 9. If the player is dealt a set of 8′s or aces after that he or she should usually split.

Treat Your Gambling Addiction – Try Some Of The Best Self-Help Methods Now!

People often feel that gambling is harmless fun, but they do not realize that it can turn into something problematic. People refer to it as a problem gambling. Addiction to playing casino games and wage bets can have several negative psychological, physical, and social repercussions. This kind of problem is called impulse-control disease. If you know someone in your family or you are suffering from similar traits, then you need assistance. You can visit a doctor, but that is not enough. Sometimes, you have to take some steps and get your act together on your own. 

Do a lot of people go through similar problems? 

Indeed, they do. You are not alone in this, as you have many people who are sharing the same boat. You will get shocked to realize that this issue is growing on a global level. About 5.77 billion people from across the globe are suffering from this disorder. So, if you want, you can try to reach them and communicate the people who have undergone the transition and how they are present. It wil help you understand your situation and make a better scenario of it. You need to understand that sometimes, people do not accept these issues for themselves, so you will have to do a lot of convincing if you are trying to persuade a family member to try these methods. 

What are the symptoms of the gambling problem? 

You can have several symptoms of this problem. One of the most critical aspects is to realize if it has become an emotional problem. When a person does not evaluate their financial conditions and jump into action, you need to save them. These are people who are deep in debt and think that they can earn money later, but that time never comes. You have to understand that these situations are harsh and can become troublesome. It can have social consequences, as well. For example, if they do not spend enough time with their family and friends or miss out on social gatherings and events to play gambling games. Anyone with these kinds of symptoms needs to ask themselves whether they can stop if they want to. If the answer is no, then they need help immediately. This problem may not seem as huge, but it can lead to a financial gap and cause mental and social barriers between people. Some other symptoms include: 

  • They have the Need to gamble with increased money to feel excited
  • Restlessness and irritability when they try to stop 
  • Constant unsuccessful experience for stopping 
  • Thinking and planning to gamble too often
  • Playing when feeling distressed 
  • Gambling even after losing a significant amount of money
  • Counseling the activities or lying to play these games
  • Social problems, such as work or relationship
  • Relying on others to pay for the gambling bets and deals 

What are the tips for treating gambling addiction? 

People often give up after a particular point in time, but if you try, you can still become successful. Here are some tips you can follow to get over the gambling addiction that you have: 

  • Therapy

You can go for behavior or cognitive behavior therapy, according to which your urges to gamble will start getting reduced. It happens because the professional systematically exposes them to other necessary aspects of life and strays the mind of the person from gambling. This method can change the way a person thinks and feels about these activities. If you believe that this procedure can come in handy, then you have to give it a try. 

  • Medication

People often get confused regarding medicines in such situations. You need to understand that mood stabilizers and antidepressants can have used in these circumstances. Some meds that treat drug addiction can also have significant use in the process. These will force the individual to sleep more often and reduce the urge to gambling. These medicines pressurize the mind of the person to be more active and energetic regarding life. 

  • Self-help groups –

You may know about these groups of people who come together and share their situations and experiences. Some people think that this can create a lot of difference. 

  • Take minor steps –

While you are undergoing any of the above strategies to confront your condition, you can trick your brain, as well. Humans are the slaves of their minds, but if you think about it, you will realize that it is effortless to trick your brain into doing something. Take minor steps by telling your brain stuff like you will work actively for five minutes. By doing that, you will eventually get into other activities. 

You have various casino sites not with gamstop, so if you think that you are turning into a gambling addict, then try these methods now! 

Why Are Online Blackjack Bonuses Offered By Casinos

Blackjack is one of the most played games at online casinos, with number of players increasing with each passing day. Competition among gambling websites encourage them to offer discounts and bonuses to the Blackjack players to make them feel important. There are several reasons for a gambling website to offer online Blackjack bonuses to the existing players as well as the new players.

Online casinos have been able to attract a greater number of Blackjack players than those playing at the traditional casinos. Sites like Judi Online have been gaining popularity because of theier advantages and benefits. Apart from earning prize money through Blackjack gaming, players are also attracted towards the bonuses offered by the online casino. Sign up bonuses, referral bonuses and good performance bonuses are some of the many ways adopted by the casinos to value their Blackjack players. Here are some of the main reasons for online gambling sites to offer comps, bonuses and discounts.

Increase the Share of Audience

It is indeed the first aim of the online casinos to win the maximum number of players, who show interest in playing the popular games like Blackjack. By offering bonuses, these casinos are able to attract the attention of potential casino players joining the growing audiences of gamblers.

Announce Their Presence

An additional aim of the new online casinos to offer Blackjack bonuses is to announce their presence in the cyber space. In order to promote their gambling sites and Blackjack gaming software, these casinos find bonuses the most convenient ways to reach the targeted audiences.

Reward for Playing

If you are spending good amount of dollars while playing online high stakes Blackjack, it actually adds to the profit of the online gambling websites. Blackjack bonuses are the rewards offered by online casinos in return to the money spent by casino players at the Blackjack tables.

Encourage to Play More

Blackjack bonuses are the ways through which online casinos encourage the players to play more of these games. Bonuses are added to the bankroll of the casino players and can be utilized by the players for gambling, after fulfilling the wagering requirements. Everyone likes to try their luck when free money is available to bet at Blackjack tables.

Retain the Players

Finally, the online casinos always appreciate their association with old existing Blackjack players. In order to maintain the interest of these players in their gambling websites, the casinos make use of the comps and bonuses. Refreshing the Blackjack bonuses from time to time helps the casinos to save their players from moving away.

Remember that your performance at the Blackjack tables is not counted a factor to offer bonus to you. Even a worst-performing player is eligible for Blackjack discounts. Online gambling uses these bonuses to let internet audience have more reasons for playing online Blackjack and making fortune out of it.

Before you look around for impressive online Blackjack bonuses, it is important to learn about the wagering requirements to make use of these bonuses. Learn about these requirements at, an informative guide about high stakes Blackjack and Blackjack tournaments.

An Ultimate Guidance For Beginners Regarding Gamstop!

We all know that gambling is highly interesting and a fun factor in terms of playing on a daily routine. There are a lot of people who approach this game so that it will help them to maintain their financial status. There is a different source through which an individual can go for gambling games. Also, considering these types of games will help them to build and make their own mark in the gambling world. 

Though there are several disadvantages of gambling games, if you will play and do gambling in a limit, then it might not become addictive for you. one should know about all the things and the right source through which gambling will not become adverse for them. If you want to play gambling games, then considering the option of recommended online casinos is also beneficial. 

Know that is gambling addictive:

In the real world, estimated that gambling games are addictive if you are rendering it on a daily basis. As a reason, online casino games are played at a higher level, where you will see that a lot of people are taking advantage in terms of earning money. 

If you are a beginner and will register in playing gambling games, then you will see that in the beginning, you will get extra bonuses. On the other side, with the help of gamstop, you will get to know about self-exclusion services. 

What is gamstop, and how will it help you to self-exclude from gambling?

If you want to consider a gaming service, then it is beneficial for you to learn about gamstop. As a reason, here you will get different options of games through which self-exclude from gambling will become easier. On the other side, there are also several different options that you can render for gambling purposes. 

As a reason, addiction is very common in gambling games, that’s why for the instances of self-exclusion, it is important for you to consider the platform of gamstop. Through these services, you will be able to play a different type of game, which will become beneficial for you. Overall, you can also register on gamstop for playing casino games. 

Self-exclude from gambling through gamstop as:

With the help of gamstop, you will be able to self-exclude from gambling because there are millions of options available for you. It will lead you down with all the information which will become beneficial for you as well as through which identification will become easier for you. by acknowledging the concept of international players, and you will get to know about some basic details about it. 

There are different players who consider such platforms for playing international online casino games as well as other games. It will provide you a huge advantage once you register for it. As a reason, it is beneficial and helpful for you to control your entire gambling budget. 

Last words,

In the above section, I have mentioned all the information which will help you to know all the information regarding gamstop.

Choose Your Black Jack

Due to a large number of online gambling hall brands, the capability of knowing how to start picking one appears progressively harder. On your 1st attempt, it`s not so dangerous, however, you could walk into many well-known entrapments. That`s why we want to supply you with a certain amount of significant info to make it possible for you to obtain as much enjoyment as possible from your 1st betting game as well as the next ones. The main aspect is that you shouldn`t surrender and need to comprehend the best methods of picking your favorite, for instance, pkv games online. In our judgment, the following has been evaluated as the perfect selection of Internet gaming sites, and it shall offer us great enjoyment if you proceed accordingly.

Approval and Evaluation

Online gaming room brands have for a long time been cautiously supervised by the committees of gambling clubs. The majority of them function with actual cash originating from the actual clients; therefore we can understand the reason why players are the individuals who watch with great concern how the gaming room for example applies betting games as Online Slot games. The worldwide web grants a vast range of alternatives for on-line playing as well as forums for betting room website articles as well as judgment. Prior to picking your internet gaming room, it`s essential to check others` comments on it and likewise which wagering organizations provided it with a license. Testing a major web page gives not merely a sure stage to wager in, but additionally shall present info concerning the degree to which it is used within the scene of gambling. Furthermore, it can as well make known a lot of related data for gambling games such as Web Poker as well as Web 21, kept secret from the players who are only fond of betting.

The hierarchy of Internet analysis, in comparison, is a consideration performed by all kinds of users, perhaps by true gamers, comments publications, or independent pros. The assessment assures certainty, and likewise points, like payment ratios estimated by the wagering room website organizations. For leading online wagering rooms it provides a good first basis for the quality level.

The software of online wagering hall

Distinctly run an Online gambling site rarely manufactures software applications for itself. It is wiser to utilize the service of professional and renowned software developers that exclusively manage Internet gambling and supply support for internet wagering hall particularly. It is simply clear that these software manufacturers are so skilled as well as qualified at their work that they are keenly concerned with being able to constantly preserve their status and likewise not allowing prohibited actions to hurt them. Their capability to stay ahead of the provider market is contingent upon their knowledge in immediate analysis and detection of probable and hazardous faults within random number generation. Thousands of betters altogether would be alerted if when wagering any kind of problem takes place with betting hall bonus promotions, for instance. Additionally, each and every such problem will be published on web sites by wagering assessors and also critics.

It`s very easy to approach the manufacturer and test the origin of the various Web software applications. There is a rather small amount of such sorts of wagering room website marques. Regarding the comprehensive features of the on-line software application, you could question the wagering site, help division.

It`s worthwhile checking the privacy and technological stability too. It`s worth not forgetting to examine that the gaming room has proper safety measures and also runs the most modern programs to ensure that together you and also the webpage maintain safe individual cash transfers as well as confidentiality, especially concerning promotions.

Customer Service and Payment Choices

Be certain that you`re satisfied with the online gambling room payment technique. Inconveniences do not usually arise as a consequence of this, because numerous websites face a lot of competitors within this branch and so a wide arrangement of options are usually granted by them. There are these days a lot of useful methods for making money transfers on the internet. Nonetheless, since financial institutions in the U.S. don`t like the thought of making money transfers in the betting sphere, then grasp that the majority of wagering websites do not particularly like using charge cards. Finally, after browsing through this paper presented above, you should be aware of the numerous angles of the theme of “choose your online blackjack” which are productive for you.

Vegas Hits : Bonus Feature Slots

VEGAS HITS is an online slot that was developed by a software company called BALLY TECHNOLOGIES. This is an action & feature packed online slot which has a traditional Vegas theme with 5 reels and 40 winning paylines. This game has some colourful & explosive graphics and the exciting sound effects & accompanying audio are both brilliant.

The symbols on the reels consist of Dice, Cherries, a Blue Spade, a Red 7, two cards showing Blackjack, a Roulette Wheel, Fruit Machine Reels and the Jackpot Vegas Hits Logo. The WILD SYMBOLS can only ever appear once a Feature has been triggered, but this will be explained below.

This slot has BONUS WHEEL SYMBOLS and POKER CHIPS, the latter of which can act as really big win Multipliers. When three of the BLUE U-SPIN BONUS SYMBOLS land in any position across reels 2, 3 and 4 (the centre reels), the Bonus Wheel will trigger. You get to take one spin of this wheel, manually, and you can win one of the following great prizes:

1 Free Spins with reels 2, 3 & 4 completely Wild, 3 Free Spins with all Cherry symbols acting as Wild Symbols, 8 Spins with reels 4 & 5 completely Wild, 3 Free Spins with reel 1 completely Wild, 1 Free Spin with ALL Scatter Pays, 3 Free Spins with all Dice Symbols acting as Wild Symbols, 1 Free Spin with ALL Poker Chips, or 1 Free Spin with reels 2, 3 and 4 covered with the highest valued symbols in view (across all 9 positions on those three reels).

Some of the other great prizes that you could also win from your one lucky spin include 3 Free Spins with all Blue Spade Symbols acting as Wild Symbols, 2 Free Spins with reels 2 & 4 completely Wild, 3 Free Spins with only the top 4 symbols on the reels, 1 Free Spin with reels 1, 3 and 5 completely Wild, 3 Free Spins with all Red 7 Symbols acting as Wild Symbols, 5 Free Spins with one completely Wild reel per spin or 3 Free Spins with reels 1 & 5 completely Wild.

This sounds like one big mess but there are some really great prizes up for grabs and it should take just a few spins for the average gamer to get used this really exciting slot. The other Bonus Wheel on this slot is actually called the and this will trigger much in the same way as the other Bonus Wheel triggers, but you need three of the GREEN U-SPIN BONUS SYMBOLS to land in any position across reels 2, 3 and 4 (the centre reels) for this one to trigger.

The only difference with this prize wheel is that all of the prizes are coin prizes ranging from as little as 20.00 coins up to a maximum of 1000.00 coins. However, the prize is based on your total bet though, so the higher you bet, the bigger your prizes will be (on average).

You can place a bet on this slot from 0.40 coins up to a maximum of 400.00 coins per spin. This is an action packed slot which you can play in the real cash mode or in the free play mode. Unfortunately at the time of writing though, this awesome non-downloadable slot is still not yet widely available.

This is the biggest regret that most people have as they want to download and try this mode out as soon as it becomes available but the chances are definitely nil at the moment and they have no choice but to be content with agen dominoqq at the moment as they have little options to consider.

Play Online Poker With Bitcoin

There are numerous games that online casino has to offer us. One of them is slot online. it is considered as one of the easiest game that can be played by any age group in casino. with that online poker is also getting famous day by day. Poker players from around the world are flocking to Bitcoin poker platforms, and theres a few reasons why it really makes sense:

Heres why people are moving from traditional poker platforms to Bitcoin poker:

When you play Bitcoin poker, you skip the timely signup forms. Traditional poker platforms require complete information on the poker player, including name, email, addresses, phone numbers and often require the user to upload images of their private documents such as ID and passport. Bitcoin poker avoids this and lets you play poker fast, without the lengthy signups.

At Betcoin, users can sign up with a username, password and email. This is a far less lengthy process than fiat poker competitors.

At poker sites and sportsbooks such as Nitrogen Sports, or Anonibet, users can play without the need for any account at all. Simply place your bets and receive funds to the wallet of your choice upon completion of the bet.

  • No need to signup with a payment processor after logging into online poker

Part of the timely login and signup processes for most poker platforms and online sportsbooks is the hassle of finding a payment processor that offers reduced fees and doesnt require a timely signup. This can be hard to find when each processor is catering to banks in specific regions… Unfortunately this restricts the poker tables to areas around the world and really limits the userbase.

With Bitcoin poker, users do not rely on a payment processor, as Bitcoin transactions are conducted from your PC or mobile device to your online Bitcoin poker wallet. This saves fees, time and allows you to play more poker.

  • Less withdraw restrictions, like daily limits or fees

Withdraw restrictions on popular poker platforms have been restricting the limits you can withdraw at one time and that could create a problem for you. When playing higher value ring games and cash tables, users often get finances locked on the platform limited to $3,000 daily withdraw, or less.

This is a problem that simply doesnt exist with the best Bitcoin poker rooms. Bitcoin poker tables are subject to far less restrictions and your wallet balance provides more liquidity than traditional platforms.

Using poker platforms such as Betcoin allows users to trade Bitcoin for litecoin, BCash and ether with ease. Simply deposit with the currency of choice and withdraw another cryptocurrrency to satisfy your trading needs. Who needs a Bitcoin exchange when you can do it in the comfort of your poker account.

  • Play Bitcoin poker anywhere in the world

Bitcoin poker opens game play to global audiences. That means you will find players from around the world, all on one platform. A lack of player and banking restrictions removes typical barriers to entry that sites such as Party Poker and Pokerstars impose on players. Expand your gameplay to tables that feature players from all around the world.

Millionaire Casino Summer Slots tourney

They may have big plans for June (of which we’ll tell you more about later), but before all of that kicks off, Millionaire Casino and QQ online will be launching a range of slots tournaments that will run over the last four days in May. We are going to cover The Millionaire Casino in this article.

Due to the time of year that these tourneys will be running, they have been billed as the “Start of Summer Slots.”

No fixed prize pool has been set up for these games. Instead, players will simply share out the pot collected. The cost of entry is set at $5, with players being allowed to re-buy a maximum of 50 times a $5 per time.

This post will then be shared out amongst the players who finish in the top forty spots on the tournament leaderboard. The overall winner will receive 35% of the post, second place will get 20% and third place will be awarded 10% of the pot. The remaining 35% will be divided among the other 37 top finishers.

The “Start of Summer Slots” begins today in the game “Fat Cat.” At the time of writing, around 80 players have signed up and the size of the pot has already passed $400. As players continue to sign up and re-buy, the size of this pot will continue to grow at a faster pace.

The second round of Start of Summer Slots will begin on May 29th when the focus will switch to the game of Cleopatra’s Pyramid. This will then be followed by the Start of Summer Slots 3 on May 30th and Summer Slots 4 on May 31st. Each tournament will kick off at 12.01 AM and continue until 10.59 PM.

Memorial Day bonus

The end of month slot tournaments isn’t the only thing going on at Millionaire Casino this month though. Players who wager on the Red, White, and Win game until the end of the month will receive the double the number of loyalty points they normally would.

With Memorial Day coming up, there couldn’t be a better slot to play as it celebrates everything American. Symbols include the US Flat, The Statue of Liberty, George Washington, and the American Eagle.

What’s more, Millionaire Casino is willing to give you another reason to play Red, White, and Win. All new players who open an account on Memorial Day will receive a special sign up bonus of 200% up to a maximum of $500.

Millionaire Casino is the leading property in the English Harbour Group. It is a Vegas Technology casino that is licensed in Antigua and Barbuda and is well known for its excellent customer support.