Top Tips To Improve Your Chances Of Winning Online Poker Games
Poker is actually the collective term for a number of different card games that inevitably see players betting and trying to outsmart their opponents each hand. Its roots are still ultimately unclear unfortunately, but historians are in agreement that it has been being played for a long time. In fact, some schools of thought believe that poker was even played as far back as 900AD in China in a cognitive form.
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The internet has allowed a new form of poker to emerge and nowadays online poker is enjoyed by some 40 million people across the world every year. It is responsible for significantly increasing the number of poker players in the world today as it allows for easy access and doesn’t require visiting a casino.
So, how exactly can you increase your chances of winning at online poker?
Start With Low-Stakes Poker
Even though the basic premise is the same, online poker obviously differs from the real-life game, so it is always a good idea to start off at low-stakes tables or even the free online rooms. This will allow you to familiarise yourself with how the online game is played and get used to the user interface before you start betting larger amounts. Even if you consider yourself an experienced poker player in the real world, this advice should be heeded when playing online for the first time.
Watch the Clock
A lot of online poker rooms use a time-bank to limit the amount of time in which a player has to make their decisions. This can be a shock for players used to playing offline, where they usually have a few minutes to think about their move before making it.
Another aspect that relates closely to time is the speed at which online poker is played. On average, the number of hands played per hour is over double that played offline in the same amount of time. This increased speed can be a shock for some beginners, particularly if you are used to the slower pace of offline poker.
Start One Table at a Time
One of the great things about online poker is the ability and inevitable temptation to play several tables at once. This is fine for professional online players, some of whom have actually been known to do this during tournaments, but if you are just starting out, stick with a single table. Only once you feel completely confident with every aspect should you consider playing multiple tables at once.
Remove any Distractions
One of the many appeals of online poker is that it can be played while you are sat in your underwear at home. However, you should try to create the best possible environment in which you can concentrate. Sitting on your sofa with your laptop and the TV on full-volume in the background is obviously not ideal. Sit yourself at a desk in a quiet room free from distractions and try not to surf the internet while you are playing. If you find it difficult to concentrate at home, you can always try a mobile application like Full Tilt Rush Poker and benefit from being able to play from virtually anywhere.